Success!! Ok and some failures with AllJoynJS #WhyWait #QuallComm #AllJoyn


The third episode of the hackathon has been published. As the deadline of the contest is looming, I’m definitely creating synthetic stress upon myself. There are awesome advantages to using AllJoyn in our project, but also a few problems created by friction of complexity. Regardless, we’ll push through!

I know the episodes are short, but I hope you guys enjoy them!

In the meantime, I wanted to share this post with those who run into the nefarious message while working with AllJoynJS, the Arduino Yun and any input output pins. If you see the following message

ALERT: Error: Failed to configure digital output pin: 022
light_00409bf0_0002 light strict preventsyield
global .js:10 preventsyield

It’s possible that you just need to run the following script

/usr/bin/lininoio start

To get things going again.

The comprehensive setup will come real soon, I promise! In the meantime, enjoy!






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