Author: Min Yong Kim
OAuth hath defeated me
Well to set the story straight, OAuth in conjunction with WebAPI. I’m trying to build the backend services for Conflicademia now and I figured that it’d be a great time to learn OAuth, Asp.Net Mvc Web API, Mongo and all that integration with Mono and Unity. Building a basic Asp.Mvc site with Facebook OAuth integration…
I’m still alive!
Well, there have been some big changes in my career recently and so the game as well as the coding YouTube videos have been put on hold. Things are finally starting to settle down and I’ll be able to put some weekend time again on these and hopefully the one or two web crawlers that…
So I was preparing materials for my “Random Coding 3” video episode and this time the subject was relating to Conflicademia in regards to the loading performance of Android and how to optimize your build in Unity so that the game has reasonable loading performance. However, as I was prepping my material and generating the relevant…
Tutorial level is almost complete!
Oh man, I’m so sleepy it almost hurts. Every heart beat seems to be jolting my chest. Regardless, I really wanted to make some serious progress on the game tonight. The tutorial level is mostly complete, the left over tasks for the tutorial is to show how to transform, show a visual progress indicator of…
Finally fixed the web build
So after I suppose a month or so of the “New Game” button not working, I finally fixed it so that the web player is functioning again. Apparently the automated build script doesn’t suck the scene information from the Unity IDE build screen and I totally forgot about the string array in the wonky command…
Honey bunches of Changes!
So I made a bunch of changes tonight. Optimized a bunch of things here and there, fixed a number of bugs but the most exciting change is finally building some logic to extend past just one level. Intelligently moving from one scene to another, I definitely side skirted some aesthetics, but I was definitely in…
Unity is not subversion friendly
File location refactoring isn’t actually handled from the Unity IDE for some bizarre reason I performed it in there. I do realize that Unity auto generates the project and solution files from the actual file systems, so I could have actually moved them in Visual studio instead which actually would tell Subversion that the file…
Scene freezing fixed & to my fellow nerds being bullied
So I finally figured out a huge performance bottleneck on the android platform that would freeze the entire game when the probes entered the screen. I was writing what I thought was a really clever implementation to have prefabs or transforms loaded via code directly as opposed to be attached to a behavior script, which…
Random coding 2
So I finally got around to finish the second video in the random coding series. I decided to change up how I recorded it, breaking it into multiple chunks and blending them together with Sony Vegas. Apparently FFSplit, by default record to mp4 which vegas had a hard time working with. Fortunately, I Was playing…
Smoothing out the swiping
New release of Conflicademia updated tweaking the swiping input so that the consumer of the swipe event can choose to process on a number of different attributes, such as total distance swiped or speed of swipe. After the changes were completed, it seems that swapping weapons on the phone platform are much more intuitive. Additionally,…